contest BEGIN! Dim Sum Throwdown

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The Hot Pepper


There are so many possibilities and people love making dough... for dumplings, wrappers for spring rolls, and there's all kinds of dim sum.

Be creative or traditional. You want to smoke a pork shoulder and do a BBQ spring roll with napa cabbage? I sez y not!
What a great opportunity for sauces here as well! All sauces must be homemade, as well as each entry but you may use packaged dough, but homemade is preferred.

Dim sum is a Chinese appetizer or tapas served with tea. It is usually steamed dumplings, buns, rolls, or meats served in steamer baskets but can be fried dumplings, rolls, meats, etc. as well as small portions of meat cooked otherwise, and rice. If you know what it is, you know what it is.
Serious Eats
It must be considered dim sum as far as the preparation and appearance, but you may be creative with ingredients, fillings, and sauces!
You must make a minimum of 2 dim sum, and you can make as many as 5. This must all be presented as one entry. Remember, there is dessert dim sum too!
READ: The 5 Rules for an eligible entry
PoL: .25
You can post 2 pics max per dim sum entered and 1 overall pic showing all dim sum. That is your pic allowance so if you want to show any prep or cooking pics in your final post you still can, it counts toward the 2 or you can sacrifice the overall. However you want! So... 3 dim sum entered, that's 7 pics!
This challenge calls for measured ingredients for all sauces and pastries/doughs and everything else can be ballparked.
You know, at first I was like "haha. I'm such a Marcie!" and had no intention to ever do this. But then I was like... what about all these peppers I have? What about all this rendered duck fat I should use up? What about this bamboo steamer begging to be used?
Next thing you know I'm quick pickling peppers and making steamed bun dough. PLEASE STAND BY.
Hahaha! I knew you were joking at first since you hadn't posted in years lol... but glad to see you jump in, welcome back!
I'm probably gonna do this as a multi-day thing and have to take multiple PoL photos of ingredients for each day, I guess. I'll get together the basics today and focus on prepping meats tomorrow, I guess.
And then I'll win.
Marcie said:
And then I'll win.
I have no doubt! Some of your German cooking should have won already!
Went to the little local Asian grocery store just now, to find it was CLOSED! Not for the day. Not moved. CLOSED. One of my ingredients will no how, no way be found at a regular grocery store in these parts. If I don't make it to an Asian grocer that's further away I think I've found an acceptable substitute. I really want that ingredient as it's something I've not tried before, but I have limited time this weekend so may stick with the substitute.  

I see I missed putting the hot pepper ingredient in there. Will likely go with either cayenne or congo trinidad since they both go well with chocolate. THP, sweetie, make note of the food coloring…. :D  
Hey Marcie!  Good to see you back in the fray! 
I'm envisioning what geeme has going.   almond paste....mmmmmmm.....
Definiteley put out an APB for Key~
no idea if I'm gonna be able to get this done, but I'm gonna try.
Marcie is the original DP. Though Alynne has been posting some killer blurry drunk pics in her stead LOL! Let's get her up in here!

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